
Agriculture Questions Answer....Patwari revenue Questions --- important MCQ's... Helpfull in Patwari Exams 2015..... Set 3.

51. C6H12O6 + 602 —>6O2 + 6HZO shows-
 (A) Photosynthesis           (B) Respiration            (C) Oxidation   (D) Translocation of food mate-rials

52. How does the supply of nitrogen in grains take place?
(A) From old leaves          (B) From plant roots    (C) From stem                 (D) By photosynthesis  

53. To reduce the crop-weed com-petition, at what stage are the herbicides used?
(A) At germination            (B) At tillering                        (C) At ear emergence   (D) After first irrigation

54. How much percentage dryweight of crops should be at physiological maturity?
(A) 28%             (B) 20%                       (C) 25%                       (D) 30%                        

55. Growth of early emerging leavesbecomes faster because of-
(A) Cell division and cell enlargement         
(B) Stunt growth of plants 
 (C) Faster Photosynthesis   
  (D) Low pressure of outer atmosphere             

56. The ideal temperature for mostof the cultivable crops is-
(A) 30°C – 50°C            (B) 15°C – 40°C          (C) 35°C – 40°C    (D) 45°C – 55°C           

57. Match List-l with List-II andchoose the correct answer fromthe codes-List-I                                 List-II(a)Magnesium                                   1. Cell formation and d                                                                                                                   (b).Phosphorus                                    2.Special function of chlorophyll formation                                                                      (c) .Potassium                          3.Helping in the formation of primordial                                                                                                      (d).Manganese                                     4. to influence the organic action of nitrogen and ironCodes:(a) (b) (c) (d)(A) 2 1 3 4       (B) 2 3 4 1                   (C) 3 1 2 4                   (D) 2 3 1 4                   Answer:A

58. Which pH range is not suitableto grow the crop
(A) Oats — 5•0 -— 7-5 pH                                  (B) Cotton — 6-0—7•5 pH
(C) Bean ——• 6-0 — 8•0 pH                                 (D) Potato —- 4•5•6•5 pH    

59. What is Azofication
(A) It is also known as composite fixation of nitrogen.           
 (B) It is also known as freefixation of nitrogen
(C) It is also known as nitrogenfixed by Rhizobium bacteria `
(D) It is also known as nitrogengain through rains or snow                                                    

60. Which is the hybrid of PusaGiant Napier
(A) Napier x Iowar         (B) Napier x Bajra       (C) jowar x Bajra         (D) Bajra x Iowar   

61. From where is Indian Journal ofAgriculture Sciences published
(A) UPCAR                    (B) ICAR                     (C) CISR                (D) NBRI                     

62. How much paddy seed is neededfor transplanting one hectarearea by SRI technique
(A) 30 – 35 kg                    (B) 1 •— 1•5 kg     (C) 5-6kg                     (D) 10-12kg                 

63. Soldier insect harms which cropmore
(A) Urad                  (B) Arhar                     (C) Moong                   (D) Paddy                         
64. ln which season is the highestyield of Maize obtained
(A) Zaid                 (B) Kharif                    (C) Rabi                       (D) A11 of these           

65. Seed treatment of which crop isdone by Captan or Cerasan @ 5gm / kg seed--                                                    
 (A) Cotton              (B) Jute                       (C) Satflower               (D) Mondua                 

66. Varieties of Miscavi and PusaVisal are of which crop
(A) Cotton              (B) ]ute                                    (C) Oat                         (D) Berseem                

67. Which is not prepared frompotato
(A) Farina and Alcohol (B) Paper                     (C) Wine                      (D) Acetic acid                   

68. Potato tuber growth is stopped atwhat temperature ?
(A) 40°C — 42°C     (B) 30°C — 32°C        (C) 35°C — 37°C            (D) 38°C – 40°C           

69. In which state of India is the areaof Coffee maximum ?
(A) Kerala                        (B) Andhra Pradesh     (C) Karnataka                    (D) Tamil Nadu           Ans:C

70. How much cloves of garlic isrequired for one hectare
(A) 400 kg              (B) 500 kg                   (C) 600 kg                   (D) 300 kg                   

71. Which variety of Papaya givesmaximum Papain
(A) Pusa Delicious         (B) Pusa Majesty         (C) PusaGaint              (D) Pusa Dwarf                         

72. At the time of Apple fruit setting,what is the minimum tempera-turerequired ?
(A) 10°C               (B) 4-5°C -— 5-5°C                  (C) 8°C —- 10°C         (D) 2°C — 30C

73. How many days can the Aonlabe kept in salt solution ?
(A) 15 days                     (B) 30 days -                (C) 60 days                        (D) 75 days                  Ans:D

74. What is the average temperatureof cow and buffalo ?
(A) – 98•4°F                       (B) lU0°F                     (C) 101•5°F                        (D) 102°F                   Ans:C

75. ’Pheromone Trap’ attracts-  
 (A) male moths                  (B) female moths         (C) caterpillar               (D) female bugs            

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