
50 Important History tits bits, You must know for all competition exam of punjab govt.

Sr. No. Questions Answers
1 Guru Gobind Singh created ‘Khalsa’ on ______, at ______. 30th March 1699, Anandpur
2 Which was the first newspaper in India and when was it published? The Bengal Gazette, 1780
3 Who advocated the ‘drain of wealth’ theory? Dadabhai Naoroji
4 Who laid the foundation of railways in India? Lord Dalhousie
5 Which Act put an end to the monopoly of the East India Company over the India Trade? Charter Acts of 1813
6 English was introduced as medium of instruction in ______. 1835
7 First Indian railway train service from Bombay to Thane was started on ______. 16th April, 1853
8 British crown took over the Indian Government to end the rule of East India Company in the year ______. 1858
9 Rabindranath Tagore was born on ______. 7th May 1861
10 The date of Birth of M. K. Gandhi. is ______. 2nd October 1869
11 First war of Indian Independence, termed Sepoy Riots was attempted in ______. 1857
12 The first telegram line in India was started between ______. Agra and Calcutta.
13 Who introduced the Widow Remarriage Act? Lord Dalhousie
14 He was the first Viceroy of India and abolished The Doctrine of Lapse. Lord Cunning
15 Who introduced The Vernacular Press Act, to curb the freedom of Indian Press? Lord Lytton
16 Who was known as the father of Local Self Government? Lord Ripon
17 Which Viceroys of India had passed the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act and Indian University Act in 1904? Lord Curzon
18 Indian National Congress was formed in the year ______. 1885
19 The Minto Morley reforms also known as Indian Council Act was passed in ______ during the tenure of Lord Minto. 1909
20 The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on ______. 13th April 1919
21 Who passed the Government of India Act of 1919; popularly know as Montague Chelmsford reform? Lord Chelmsford
22 Which famous freedom movement was started in the year 1920? Non-Cooperation movement, (Asahayog Andolan)
23 Rowlatt Act, also called the Black Bill, was passed in ______. 1919
24 All India Muslim League was formed in the year ______. 1906
25 The event of first war of independence in India relates with which fact? Mangal Pandey killedtwo British sepoys at Barrackpore.
26 The Simon commission visited India in 1928 during the reign of ______. Lord Irwin
27 Civil Disobedience movement was started in India by ______. Mahatma Gandhi
28 Irwin pact was signed in ______. 1931
29 The First Round Table Conference was held at ______. London
30 In 1932 the Poona pact was signed between ______. Dr. B R Ambedker and Mahatma Gandhi
31 During the reign of which Viceroy of India elections were held for the first time in 11 Indian states? Lord Linlithgow
32 The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on ______. 9th December, 1946.
33 Who was the last British Governor General of independent India? Lord Mountbatten
34 Partition of Bengal was announced in 1905 by ______. Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon.
35 Minto-Morley Reforms Act was introduced in the year ______. 1909
36 World War I started in ______. 1914
37 The Swaraj Party was founded by ______ in the year ______. Motilal Nehru and C.R. Das., 1923
38 Who was the founder of Brahmo Samaj? Raja Ram Mohan Roy
39 World War II started in ______. 1939
40 National Anthem was adopted by the constituent assembly on ______. 24th January 1950
41 ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was composed by ______. Rabindranath Tagore
42 Who was the first president of the Indian National congress? W. C. Bannerjee
43 Who became the first woman President of Indian National congress in 1917? Annie Besant
44 “Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it”. This was advocated by Lokmanya Tilak
45 The slogan “Inquilab Zindabad”, was raised by Bhagat Singh
46 What was the objective of Dandi March started by M. K. Gandhi? to break the salt law
47 Who was the political guru of M. K. Gandhi? Gopal Krishna Gokhale
48 Dandi March was started from where? Sabarmati Ashram
49 Which freedom fighter is known as ‘Desh Bandhu”? Chittranjan Das
50 Who was known as the Punjab Kesari (Lion of the Punjab)? Lala Lajpat Rai

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